31 August 2024
It is with great sadness the Princely Family has recieved the news of the passing of His Majesty Te Kīngi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII. King Tūheitia reigned as Māori King from 2006 until his death. We send out condolences to the Te Wherowhero Māori Royal Family. Ka tuku mihi aroha ki te whanau rangatira o Te Wherowhero. - The Princely Family 29 July 2024
It is with great sadness the Princely Family has received the news of the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark. Prince Michael was the last surviving grandchild of George I, King of the Hellenes, and the last surviving great-grandchild of Christian IX, King of Denmark. Prince Michael was a first cousin to members of the Princely Family. We send our condolences to the Greek Royal Family. - The Princely Family A STATEMENT FROM THE PRINCELY FAMILY UPON THE DEATH OF HRH VITTORIO EMANUELE, DUKE OF SAVOY5/2/2024 5 February 2024
It is with great sadness The Princely Family has received the news of the death of His Royal Highness Vittorio Emanuele, Duke of Savoy and Prince of Naples. Vittorio Emanuele was the son of King Umberto II, the last King of Italy, and as such he was Head of the House of Savoy. We send our condolences to the Royal Family of Italy. - The Princely Family
22 December 2023
Prince Edward Bieniak II and the entire Princely Family extend our deepest condolences to the people of the Czech Republic, and to all those affected by the tragic mass shooting on 21st December 2023 in Prague. Our hearts are heavy with sorrow as we mourn the loss of 14 innocent lives and pray for the swift recovery of the 25 individuals who sustained injuries. Such senseless acts of violence have no place in any society, and we stand in solidarity with the people of Prague as they grapple with the aftermath of this devastating incident. Our thoughts are with the families who have lost their loved ones, and we offer our sincere sympathies during this difficult time. In times of tragedy, communities must come together and support one another. We commend the resilience and strength of the Czech people as they unite to overcome this heartbreaking event. May the memories of those lost be a source of inspiration for positive change, and may the injured find solace in the outpouring of care and compassion from their fellow citizens. As a family, we extend our gratitude to the first responders, law enforcement, and all those assisting in this crisis. Their bravery and dedication in the face of adversity deserve our utmost respect. In solidarity with the people of the Czech Republic, and as a solemn gesture of mourning for the tragic mass shooting on 21 December 2023, Prince Edward Bieniak II together with the House of Glücksburg-Bieniak-Horne hereby declare an official day of mourning on Saturday, 23rd December 2023. On this day, we join the Republic in paying tribute to the 14 lives lost and expressing our heartfelt condolences to the families affected. We urge all citizens to observe a moment of silence and reflection in unison with our fellow Europeans in the Czech Republic. May this day of mourning serve as a collective expression of sympathy, empathy, and support for the victims and their loved ones during this difficult time. May love, unity, and resilience guide us all toward healing and rebuilding. Sincerely, The Princely Family // Prohlášení k masové střelbě v Praze, Česká republika Princ Edward Bieniak II a celá knížecí rodina vyjadřují naši nejhlubší soustrast lidu České republiky a všem, kteří byli postiženi tragickou masovou střelbou 21. prosince 2023 v Praze. Naše srdce jsou těžká zármutkem, když truchlíme nad ztrátou 14 nevinných životů a modlíme se za rychlé uzdravení 25 jednotlivců, kteří utrpěli zranění. Takové nesmyslné násilné činy nemají v žádné společnosti místo a my jsme solidární s Pražany, kteří se potýkají s následky tohoto ničivého incidentu. Naše myšlenky jsou s rodinami, které ztratily své blízké, a v této těžké době vyjadřujeme upřímnou soustrast. V dobách tragédie se komunity musí spojit a vzájemně se podporovat. Oceňujeme houževnatost a sílu českého lidu, který se spojil, aby překonal tuto srdcervoucí událost. Kéž jsou vzpomínky na ztracené zdrojem inspirace k pozitivní změně a ať zranění najdou útěchu ve výlevu péče a soucitu svých spoluobčanů. Jako rodina děkujeme záchranářům, donucovacím orgánům a všem, kteří v této krizi pomáhají. Jejich statečnost a oddanost tváří v tvář nepřízni osudu si zaslouží naši nejvyšší úctu. V solidaritě s obyvateli České republiky a jako slavnostní gesto smutku za tragickou masovou střelbu z 21. prosince 2023 tímto kníže Edward Bieniak II spolu s rodem Glücksburg-Bieniak-Horn vyhlašují oficiální den smutku na sobotu 23. prosince 2023. V tento den se připojujeme k Republice, abychom vzdali hold 14 ztraceným životům a vyjádřili upřímnou soustrast postiženým rodinám. Vyzýváme všechny občany, aby zachovali chvíli ticha a zamyšlení společně s našimi spoluobčany Evropany v České republice. Kéž tento den smutku slouží jako kolektivní vyjádření sympatií, empatie a podpory obětem a jejich blízkým v této těžké době. Láska, jednota a odolnost nás všechny vedou k uzdravení a obnově. S pozdravem, Knížecí rodina 26 November 2022
Her Excellency Countess Danielle Berrigan, Mrs Siebert was safely delivered of a son on 22nd November 2023. Mr Robert Siebert and Countess Danielle Berrigan are delighted to announce that they have named their son Dawson LeRoy, along with the father's surname of Siebert. The baby will be known as Sir Dawson LeRoy Siebert in court communications. Dawson LeRoy Siebert is placed 23rd in line of succession to the Crown of Horne. Further information is private at this time. 28 October 2023
The Princely Family is deeply disturbed and saddened to learn of the tragic mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, which claimed the lives of 18 individuals, including four members of our Deaf community, and injured 13 others. "Our hearts go out to the victims and their families during this harrowing time. We stand with the people of Lewiston in their grief and recovery. Let us unite to support one another and work towards a safer, more peaceful future. We call on leaders and lawmakers to take meaningful steps to prevent such tragedies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all." - The Princely Family of Glücksburg-Bieniak-Horne 10 October 2023
The Princely Family is deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict in Gaza. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those affected by the violence and loss of life. We urge all parties involved to prioritize dialogue and seek peaceful resolutions to end this devastating conflict. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Gaza and the entire region during these challenging times. - The Princely Family of Glücksburg-Bieniak-Horne |