10 October 2023
The Princely Family is deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict in Gaza. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those affected by the violence and loss of life. We urge all parties involved to prioritize dialogue and seek peaceful resolutions to end this devastating conflict. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Gaza and the entire region during these challenging times. - The Princely Family of Glücksburg-Bieniak-Horne
15 August 2023
Aloha dear Hawai'i, Our hearts ache for you as wildfires devastate your beloved land of Maui. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all. The strength of your community and the spirit of aloha will guide you through these trying times. Our gratitude goes to the brave responders protecting your homes and heritage. Me ka mahalo, The Princely Family of Horne HAW: Aloha Hawai'i, Ua ʻeha ko mākou naʻau iā ʻoe i ke ahi e hoʻopau ana i kou ʻāina aloha o Maui. E ʻike ʻoe aia kā mākou mau manaʻo a me kā mākou pule me ʻoukou a pau. Na ka ikaika o kou kaiāulu a me ka ʻuhane o ke aloha e alakaʻi iā ʻoe i kēia mau wā hoʻāʻo. Mahalo ko mākou mahalo i ka poʻe pane wiwo ʻole e pale ana i kou mau home a me kou hoʻoilina. Me ka mahalo, ʻO ka ʻOhana Aliʻi o Horn
4 May 2023 To the people of Serbia, It is with deep sadness that we have learned of the tragic school shooting that took place at a primary school in Belgrade on 3rd May 2023, resulting in the loss of nine innocent lives. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who have been killed, and to all those affected by this terrible event. We cannot begin to imagine the pain and grief that the families of the victims are feeling right now. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. The loss of any life, especially the lives of innocent children, is a tragedy that is felt by all. We extend our deepest sympathies to the entire community of Belgrade and to all those who have been impacted by this senseless act of violence. As a global family, we must stand together in the face of such heinous acts and work towards a future where tragedies like this are no longer a reality. Sincerely, The Princely Family of Horne SR: Народу Србије,
Са дубоком тугом сазнајемо за трагичну пуцњаву у школи која се догодила у основној школи у Београду 3. маја 2023. године, у којој је погинуло девет невиних живота. Наша срца су за породице и пријатеље погинулих, као и за све погођене овим страшним догађајем. Не можемо ни да замислимо бол и тугу коју породице жртава сада осећају. Знајте да су наше мисли и молитве уз вас у овом тешком времену. Губитак било ког живота, посебно живота невине деце, трагедија је коју осећају сви. Изражавамо најдубље саучешће целој београдској заједници и свима онима који су погођени овим бесмисленим чином насиља. Као глобална породица, морамо се заједно суочити са таквим гнусним чиновима и радити на будућности у којој трагедије попут ове више нису стварност. С поштовањем, Кнежевска породица Хорн 30 March 2023
Ms Rachel Benedict, the wife of His Excellency Count Kevin Berrigan, was safely delivered of a daughter on 30 March 2023. The baby weighs 7lbs 11oz. Count Kevin Berrigan and Ms Rachel Benedict are delighted to announce that they have named their daughter Riley, along with the mother’s surname of Benedict and the father’s surname of Berrigan. In court communications, the baby will be known as Her Excellency Countess Riley Benedict Berrigan. Riley Benedict Berrigan is placed 19th in the line of succession to the Crown of Horne.